has happened yet again.
The Turks have toasted another Western buyer.
Last week a Western buyer surveyed the market for CoVid-19 nitrile gloves. They found reputable Chinese suppliers with government approvals, government audit results, government guaranteed factory re-certifications and the availability of third-party lot inspections to confirm product performance.
Prices offered by Chinese certified suppliers were within USD 0.01 of client-desired target prices.
What did they do? You already know.
They ordered a product with a price that was USD 0.01 lower than the certified Chinese supplier.
Thats's right...They saved a penny.
They received no authentication, no certificates, no third-party validations, and no bank guarantees. What did they get?
You guessed it...non-compliant product.
The buyer required medically certified products and received "mechanic's gloves." Their prospective customers have abandoned them, and they have lost a lot of money.
This is an unfortunately repetitive story relative to Western buyers dealing in Turkey, and we have seen this many times.
Don't be that guy!
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Rain8 Group,, has over 20 years experience in China market-entry and business development. Rain8 Sourcing,, has over 10 years experience in developing and managing supply chains in China. Rain8 Group and Rain8 Sourcing are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Precision Arrow Placement LLC,, a producer of wired and wireless cloud-based sensor networks operating over LoRa WAN for the industrial and agri-tech markets.
Rain8 partners with the Chinese central government and with influential Chinese industry organizations to achieve superior results for our clients including:
○ product quality,
○ product authenticity, and;
○ security of financial transactions.
Visit our partner, The Chinese Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) here: